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Have questions? We’re here to help.
Is Tack free?
Yes, it is! Tack is the time tracker that’s free for teams of all sizes. You can use tack forever free.
How do we change the currency?
Click on Preferences from the right top corner. It will take you to the settings page.
Click on general from the left menu - Billing Set-up - click on Expand. You can choose the different currencies to select.
Do you have a free trial so I can try out extra features?
You can ultimately try out all the extra features for 14 days.
How can I suggest a feature/report a bug?
If you notice that something doesn’t work as it should, contact us directly or chat with us through the Tack app chat (which is present in the bottom right corner), and we’ll get back to you within 24h. Be sure to describe the malfunction in detail and give us step-by-step instructions on how we can reproduce the issue (screenshots and videos help immensely).
Also, you are welcome to suggest a feature/how to improve Tack based on your usability.
How can I Delete my account /information /workspace?
Click on Preferences from the right top corner. It will take you to the settings page. Click on General under Workspace from the left menu - Delete Workspace.
Can I get the iOS mobile access for Tack?
We are releasing it soon.
How long is data stored and available for download?
Data is stored until you delete your account (or until the workspace owner deletes the workspace or their account)
Basic information about Tack Pricing?
Please visit
How to generate the report for a client?
Click on Reports - Go to Detailed(tab) - Click the share link from the right of the page.
It will open a dialog. From here, you can directly mail to the client. Or download it as PDF/XLS/CSV and send it to the client.
How to unsubscribe from Tack emails?
Click on Preferences from the right top corner. It will take you to the settings page. Click on Notifications.