Detailed time reports of clients/team

Know all about viewing detailed time reports of your clients or team members

  • Click on Reports followed by the Detailed option on the next page.

  • By default on the detailed reports page, the current week’s data will be displayed, total hours, the number of projects, tasks, clients, days, and members worked on the current week and are mentioned.

  • The detailed reports page contains tabular columns which consist of the date on which the project & task has been worked on, the client name & logo, project name, task name, comments mentioned under projects, team member name, and the hours tracked by the particular individual. Depending on the date you choose from the ‘This week’ option the data in the table will alter according and display the report.

  • At the bottom of the page, the total number of hours are summed up and mentioned for the particular week or date you have chosen or viewing.

  • Use the share button to download detailed reports or share detailed reports as invoices to clients or concerned people.


Group by your data

  • Various Group by options: To access this option click on the ' v ‘ button next to the Group by option word and a drop-down menu with four options is given None, Client, Project, Team, and Task choose how you want to group by your data. _ Group by: None - This option is set as default when you open the detailed report page and displays all the columns and not giving preference to any particular data to be displayed and segregates the columns as Date, Client name, Project name, Task name, Team member name, and Hours tracked. Group by: Client - This option groups the data giving preference to the client name and segregates the columns as Client name, Date, Project Name, Task Name, Team member name, and Hours tracked. _ Group by: Project - This option groups the data giving preference to the project titles and segregates the columns as Project name, Date, Task, Client name, Team member name, and Hours tracked. _ Group by: Team - This option groups the data giving preference to the team member’s names and segregates the columns as Members name, Date, Project Name, Task Name, Client Name, and Hours tracked. _ Group by: Task - This option groups the data giving preference to the task titles and segregates the columns as Task Name, Date, Project name, Client name, Team member name, and Hours tracked.

Filtering a particular report to share

  • Filtering Dates- By default, the Detailed reports page displays the current week’s data. Click on the This week button and you can choose your desired dates from the calendar displayed.

  • Filtering team members- If you choose to share detailed reports of particular team members click on the ‘Team’ option present on the right-hand side of the screen and choose single or multiple team members from the list.

  • Filtering clients- If you choose to share detailed reports to a particular client, click on the Client option present on the right-hand side of the screen and choose a single client from the list. (Multiple clients can be chosen for your reference).

  • Filtering Projects & Tasks- Click on either the projects or tasks option present on the right-hand side of the screen and choose from the list according to your reference needs.

  • More filters - You can also choose the filter icon and explore various other options present and choose as per your preference.


Bulk edit

Note: This option is available only in the premium plan for the Owner, admin, and regular user.

  • On the Detailed report page choose the bulk edit option and choose multiple records and click the edit option to edit project name/task name/date. You can also choose the delete option to delete multiple records.
  • Once you have complete the edit or delete functions click on the Done button to save changes.


Note: This option is available only in the premium plan for the Owner, admin, and regular user.

  • On the Detailed report page choose the Rounding option, enable Time rounding and choose the desired rounding options from the drop down.

  • Choose if you want to Round to nearest/up to/down to and the minutes.

    Example: _ Round to the nearest 15mins will round up the time entries to the nearest 15mins. _ Round up to 15mins will round up the time entries to the next 15mins. * Round down to 15mins will round down the time entries to the past 15mins.


Ascending/Descending report data

  • Depending on the Group by option click on the column names such as Date/Project/Task/Client or Hours tracked and data will rearrange accordingly, notice the up arrow ⬆️ (ascending order) and down arrow ⬇️ (descending order).